Kan I gætte, hvor jeg rejser hen imorgen?
Ja! Rigtigt!
Jeg skal til Kiiiiiiiiiina. Men jeg har ikke lyst til at spise en hund. Men det kan jo godt være jeg kommer til alligevel. Man ved aldrig. De kan jo bilde mig ind, at det er kylling. Det ser vi på, når tiden kommer. Det var faktisk semi-meningen, at jeg skulle til Australien for endelig at besøge my dear Catalina, men udsigten til to langtidsflyvninger lige i røven af hinanden. Det var for meget. Én kan jeg nok holde til, selvom jeg har stadig emotionelle skrammer på sjælen efter den sølle tur fra Chicago til Frankfurt i december. Jeg mener kun den tog 8 timer, men det føltes som det dobbelte. Det var til dels min egen skyld, men det tog lang tid at komme over. Kryds fingre for, at det går bedre denne her gang. Jeg har trods alt overlevet næsten 14 timer i en flyvemaskine. Så det burde godt kunne gå, og jeg burde godt kunne komme frem uden et jetlag der siger spar to.
Jeg tager afsted i dag, d. 1. juni, ved et-tiden og efter et lille
stop i Amsterdam, er jeg på vingene med kurs mod Beijing, hvor jeg skal være de
første par dage. Målet med rejsen er dog at besøge Lenka, en af mine venner fra mit universitet (og hende, jeg startede SoAU med!), som er på udveksling på Shandong Universitet i Jinan. Men Beijing skal lige udforskes først, så jeg starter ud med tre dage i hovedstaden, inden jeg tager toget ned til Jinan. Derefter går turen sydpå til Shanghai og forhåbentlig når vi også ud til Huangshan-bjergkæden, som er på UNESCO's Verdensarvsliste. Det glæder jeg mig til! Så med britiske godter til Lenka, masser af solcreme og en notesblok med hvad der ligner totalt tilfældige kinesiske tegn i kufferten, så er jeg klar til at påbegynde mit næste eventyr og krydse mit 22. land af listen. Visummet kom i land for et par uger siden, og jeg behøvede ikke engang til Danmark for at klare den sag. Det var bare at sende mit pas og en helt masse dokumenter til Edinburgh og vupti, så fik jeg et skinnende nyt visa til mit allerede smukke pas. Det kostede klejner, men hvad gør man ikke for eventyr!
Anybody fancy taking a wild guess as to where I'm off to? That's right! The land of the Chinese, the land where they supposedly aren't too bothered about whether their plate has chicken, dog or snake and the land where, I pray to my non existing deity, there will be people who speak English. China!
Some of you might know that my original plan was to go to Australia. To finally go to Australia actually, to visit Catalina. But the though of two long haul flights in one sitting was too much. That would've been four intercontinental flights in a matter of weeks. Nae thanks. Still getting over my flight from Chicago to Frankfurt in December. Jetlag beat me for more than a week. It was terrible. Not risking going through that again. At least not right now. So this seemed like the better option. The flight from Amsterdam to Beijing will be around 9hs if my math is correct (which I doubt). I've done 14 hours, so this one should be a breeze. I'm off at 1pm GMT today, flying out from Aberdeen to The Netherlands and then China! I'll be spending three days in Beijing after which I'm off to Jinan in the Shandong province where my dear Lenka is awaiting my arrival (a friend from uni who's on exchange in China for the curious! She's also the girl with whom I founded SoAU). I haven't seen her since we all left Scotland last June, so a reunion is much needed. We'll be headed south to Shanghai but that's pretty much the only thing that's semi set in stone. We desperately want to go to Huangshan to see the Yellow Mountains. I can tell already now that China will be one of the beautiful places I will see in my lifetime.
My bags are packed with sunscreen, a beautiful Chinese visa, British candy for Lenka and a small notebook with a bunch of what appears to be totally random Chinese characters that will hopefully help me get by, I'm ready to visit my 22nd country and ready for a new adventure!
Anybody fancy taking a wild guess as to where I'm off to? That's right! The land of the Chinese, the land where they supposedly aren't too bothered about whether their plate has chicken, dog or snake and the land where, I pray to my non existing deity, there will be people who speak English. China!
Some of you might know that my original plan was to go to Australia. To finally go to Australia actually, to visit Catalina. But the though of two long haul flights in one sitting was too much. That would've been four intercontinental flights in a matter of weeks. Nae thanks. Still getting over my flight from Chicago to Frankfurt in December. Jetlag beat me for more than a week. It was terrible. Not risking going through that again. At least not right now. So this seemed like the better option. The flight from Amsterdam to Beijing will be around 9hs if my math is correct (which I doubt). I've done 14 hours, so this one should be a breeze. I'm off at 1pm GMT today, flying out from Aberdeen to The Netherlands and then China! I'll be spending three days in Beijing after which I'm off to Jinan in the Shandong province where my dear Lenka is awaiting my arrival (a friend from uni who's on exchange in China for the curious! She's also the girl with whom I founded SoAU). I haven't seen her since we all left Scotland last June, so a reunion is much needed. We'll be headed south to Shanghai but that's pretty much the only thing that's semi set in stone. We desperately want to go to Huangshan to see the Yellow Mountains. I can tell already now that China will be one of the beautiful places I will see in my lifetime.
My bags are packed with sunscreen, a beautiful Chinese visa, British candy for Lenka and a small notebook with a bunch of what appears to be totally random Chinese characters that will hopefully help me get by, I'm ready to visit my 22nd country and ready for a new adventure!
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