Wednesday, 27 January 2016

2015's destinationer

Edinburgh, Skotland: på tur med Emil i februar. Han kom på besøg, første gang i Skotland, og vi skulle da selvfølgelig besøge vores hovedstad.

Edinburgh with da brother, his first time in the United Kingdom!

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: april. Påskeferie. Det gad jeg godt igen.

Last stop of my spring break was Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - definitely have to go back there someday

Singapore: også april. Sjovt nok i samme påskeferie. Nok den mest kompakte by, jeg nogensinde har besøgt.

Singapore was my second spring break country

Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand: april. Første destination besøgt i min påskeferie.

Very first stop on my spring break tour of SE Asia - Nakhon Ratchasima, conveniently located off the beaten tourist track

Dunnottar Castle, Stonehaven (Skotland): marts. Udflugtsmål da jeg havde mor, far og bedstefar på besøg fra Danmark.

The famous castle, situated just outside Stonehaven, is one of the reasons I love Scotland, and something I had to show my mom, dad and grandpa when they came to visit

Exeter, Devon (England): juli. Da jeg besøgte Chris og hans familie i den sydvestlige del af England.

Lovely Exeter in lovely Devon, close to Chris' family's residence in the Southwest of England 

St. Louis, Missouri (USA): oktober. Weekendtur til Missouri's statshovedstad for at heppe på vores eget hold, Rhodes Lynx.

Along with some fellow Rhodents, I went to the capital of Missouri to cheer for our football team

Little Rock, Arkansas (USA): september. Efterårsferie med nogle af de bedste mennesker, jeg mødte i USA i denne omgang.

My fall break was spent in Arkansas with some of the best friends I made whilst on exchange

Chicago, Illinois (USA): november. Thanksgiving-ferie for at besøge en af mine bedste venner.

Thanksgiving break in Chicago

Kraków, Polen: juni. Mor-datter tur sommertur og et nyt land tikket af listen.

A part of my summer was spent in Cracow, Poland

Göteborg, Sverige: december. Nytårstur med Chris, så han kunne få opfyldt en drøm om at se mere af Skandinavien. Og så jeg endelig kunne sige, at jeg nu har jeg fandme været i Sverige.

Sweden for New Years with Chris and another country to tick off the list

2015 var ikke et heeeeelt skidt år på rejsefronten, kan vi blive enige om det? Det blev til tre kontinenter, ni lande, 4 amerikanske stater og 23 flyveture. Jeg fik endelig besøgt Sverige, hvilket var en meget positiv overraskelse! 2016 bliver nok ikke helt så proppet, men det er nu også helt okay. Hvis man rejser for meget, så kan virkningen godt aftage lidt. Så nu vil jeg bare gå og glæde mig til næste tur, som bliver Irland i april.

A selection of my 2015-destiations. I managed to visit three continents, nine countries, 4 American states (7 if you count the numerous layovers I had) and I was on 23 airplanes. Pretty good, huh? I finally managed to visit Sweden, a country so close yet I've never actually been there. Plus I was positively surprised! It's actually really nice. Who would've thought.
2016 won't be as adventurous (well, it will be, just not in the exploring and travelling sense of the word), but I'm actually okay with that. I've found that there is a thing as too much travelling. Too many planes and too many airports. The effect tends to wear off if you do it too often. So, in the meantime, I'll just enjoy these next couple of months until I'm off to Ireland in April!

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