Downtown Houston - Houston is in a certain way a bit like life: complicated, immense and it confuses you way more than it should - but you can't help but loving it ❤ |
Før jeg tog afsted, havde jeg en forestilling om, hvad jeg ville komme til at opleve og hvilke mennesker jeg ville møde og ende op med at blive venner med - jeg tog fejl - jeg mødte mennesker der tvang mig til at tage livet op til revision og som fik mig til at kigge alvorligt på mig selv. Jeg lærte hvad det vil sige at være en familie. Jeg har set og mærket hvordan mennesker kan forandre dit liv.. uden overhovedet selv at vide det. Jeg har lært at man, på trods af sprogbarrierer, kan forstå hinanden perfekt bare ved at se hinanden i øjnene. Mit ophold har givet mig langt mere, end jeg havde turdet håbe på. Det var svært at afbryde det, men det var det rigtige. Det kan jeg mærke nu. Og hvorfor skulle jeg så absolut hjem, er der mange der har spurgt mig om. Det eneste svar, jeg selv synes dækker ordentligt, er et meget simpel et, dog nok ikke et, der vil synes dækkende - men det er det, jeg føler mest for at give: just wasn't meant to be.
My Texas adventure wasn't supposed to end until August next year, but life had other things in store for me. I left Texas on October 21st, on my birthday and it was horrible to say goodbye - the reasons for why I left are numerous, but maybe I should just say it the way I feel it - it wasn't the right thing for me and maybe leaving doesn't mean ending, but beginning. A chance for me to go somewhere else and explore. I can never thank Texas enough for everything I've learned, seen and experienced during those 70 days. I have gained friends for life, I have memories enough to last a lifetime and I have a family, I have people I can count on for the rest of my life. You can't put a price tag on that. I left, yes, but I didn't loose. I won. I gained everything. A new life, a new love, a new world, a new family and the most important of all - a brand new perspectice that changed me and the way I see the world. I owe Texas everything. It helped me understand that life is bigger than I imagined and that I'll never fully understand the wonders in this world. For the first time, my words aren't enough to describe what I'm feeling - maybe just that sole fact is enough to describe what this has been for me.
I met people who had no obligation to treat me as family and yet, they did - I met people who has lead the toughest of lives and yet they had the love in their heart to make me feel at home and make me feel welcome. I met people who made me take a step back and look at myself, my dreams and the way I deal with things. I met people with whom I spend hours discussing life - I realized that the topic of how you really wanna live your life is the most important of all and not something to take for granted. I won't do that from now on. Texas, you've been good to me.
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