Jetlag har vist for første gang nogensinde fået has på mig, og da vækkeuret ringede klokken 6 onsdag morgen, to dage efter min ankomst, var det uden at jeg havde formået at lukke øjnene overhovedet. Kl. 6.40 stod vi klar udenfor huset, klar til at komme videre fra Nakhon Ratchasima. Gratis lift til Bangkok og minivan videre til Hua Hin på Thailands sydvestlige kyst og så var den dag næsten væk. Men det var det værd - for en som har været på en caribbisk strand, er det her nu også helt ok. Hua Hin ligner nok meget Phuket til en forveksling, men her er stille og roligt. Turistet uden at det er overvældende. Lækre strande, venlige lokale. God blanding af udenlandske turister og turister fra andre dele af Thailand. Og nå ja, så er det også stedet hvor 90% af alle turister er danske.. Jeg passer helt ind!
Imorgen er det videre til Bangkok, det thailandske nytår er i næste uge, og det skal vi selvfølgelig opleve i storbyen!
Welcome! Thought I'd just peek in and let you all know I'm safe and sound - currently located in Hua Hin, a lovely and laidback beach town facing the western part of the Gulf of Thailand. This place is a true paradise - sandy beaches with crystal clear blue water, palm trees and 32 degrees all year round. Of course, the humidity tends to make all of this slightly unbearable at times, but you can't have it all!
After a completely sleepless night (jetlag is a bitch!), the alarm sounded at 6am Wednesday morning and with a free lift to Bangkok arranged by the school where Kat teaches, we found ourselves in the middle of Bangkok ready to find a ride to Hua Hin. With a little Thai and some cash, everything's possible in Bangkok, so we soon found ourselves loaded in a minivan headed to Hua Hin where we arrived a couple of hours after. After arriving in Nakhon Ratchasima, which is very local and very dry in terms of humidity, arriving here was another culture shock. Hua Hin's touristy, stocked with Western men vacationing with their Thai wives and so so humid. It has a good mix of local and foreign. We're staying in this lovely guesthouse right on the beach. Actually, it's more like on the water. The splashing of the waves is almost drowing the buzzing sound of the fan in our room at night, it's literally right down there.. Tomorrow the adventure continues though - we're off to Bangkok for the songkran and Tuesday we're off to Singapore!
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