Today there's only 10 days to go. I don't think any of us can really get it into our brains that we're actually going and that it's so soon. We're departing from Denmark on the 2th of July and won't arrive in Tokyo until the next day early in the morning. It's gonna be a long journey and it's even my first trip outside Europe, so it's gonna be completely new for me in every way with the famous jetlag, a pretty severe culture shock and a language barrier that probably can't be avoided. But even with all those things, it's gonna be an amazing experience. All the people we've talked to about Japan have talked very fondly about it and even said that when arriving in Tokyo, you feel like you're on Mars. I don't know about you, but somebody tells me something like that, it makes me wanna go even more and it's hard not wanting to just go asap! But before we can leave and get too excited, I have to graduate first (my GCSE) and say a proper goodbye to the people who've been my classmates for the past three years. A new chapter is about to begin and sometimes moving on with the rest of your life starts with goodbye.
6 dage til New York! Glæder mig til at læse mere fra dig!
Det er helt urealistisk så tæt det er på nu!! Glæder mig til at komme dertil :D
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